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Is healing what are beings came here to the wolrd to experience ?
If yes, there are

4 kinds of healing

As you move through life, healing is one of the essentials.

Even the physical body cannot keep wounds forever.

Some healing must be approached directly; for instance, stepping on a sore ankle until it recovers.

If you break your leg, a skilled doctor might need to perform a procedure to realign the bones.

Your body may need time and the right conditions to integrate and find the remedies to heal itself.

Different wounds call for different treatments, and each type of healing requires distinct outcomes and approaches.

Working in harmony with the various forms of healing—whether for different bodies, aches, illnesses, wounds, emotions, or pains—is a meaningful way to engage with this website.


Type 1 : Direct Healing

"If you are afraid of the scorpion you touch the scorpion."

Well, it's not necessarily in one go. To Heal some stuck emotions, energetic and even Archetypal injuries, you might need to face directly the cause.
If you feel stuck with fear every time you are about to speak in front of large groups, you can start to have little experience of that in little doses, speaking in front of 1,4, 10, and twenty individuals; every experience can be a renown chance to take healing from the experience that got stuck in the first place.
This works best for emotions you're familiar with and might have explored in the past.
This kind of healing works great after EHP's (Healing Type 3)

Taking the identity of an experimenter (Video) 
compliments trying out this kind of healing. 

And also it works not only with things your scared about doing- It works on things you unconsciously enjoy from, you can keep doing them directly until the healing happens eventually, and your getting over them. 


Nature Walk

Type 2 Emotional Healing Process

An emotional healing process is a space where you sit with a space holder and consciously feel your feelings. The client in the process comes with a clear intention to transform, discover what's behind, or work with an old emotion—a stuck feeling from their past.


The process doesn’t involve external objects, special methods, or energetic processes, other than purely navigating one's feelings, which is something that the space holder helps with, but the client is equally responsible for.


It usually takes 30-90 minutes and can be done online or offline, one-on-one, or sometimes with more space holders or clients.

In the end, the client usually comes out with results or experiments for other kinds of healing. Results can include making new life decisions over old decisions that were made when the feeling got stuck, removing energetic blocks, and gaining clarity on different emotional topics. Another possibility is that the client may just touch on that emotion and work with it without changing anything yet.


Type 3 : Healing through Connection

Connection Heals. Healing Connects.

Sometimes, a stuck emotion or energy can be healed by something a person you're close to says, touches, or looks at. Sometimes, it's about someone else knowing, and sometimes, it is about the community knowing. 

There is an interesting story about a tribe in Africa, that when someone did something bad like stealing for example, they took him and put him in the middle of the tribe circle. Then everyone started to appreciate him, showing him how much they loved him and showered him with kindness. This sort of Initiation creates Healing through Connection.

Sometimes, it can be by an event that someone far from you created. Human beings are engaged with the magic of life, and sometimes, with strong will and focus, they can conjure this healing into a common sitting together, a ceremony, or just a healing look in the eyes of a "stranger."

Sex, friendship, parenting, camaraderie, and even connection to a place can be healing by themselves, and I'm sure you can think of more examples.

Healing through Connection is weaved in all the other forms of healing.
Healing through Connection might be Connected to the deeper purpose of what we are doing here on this planet in this lifetime.

Group Planting a Tree

Type 4: Integration Healing

Some healing requires time and the right conditions—this is what this type of healing is about. You walk alone in the forest, lying on a boulder, drawing energy from Mother Nature.

You might join a ceremony where the whole village holds space for you. Or it could be just one person.

Integrative healing is needed after a type 3 or type 1 experience.

You integrate the experience and energy so that it settles into its rightful place.

It could mean a week of a healthy diet, being kind to yourself, relaxing, sleeping, drinking plenty of water, or getting hugs. It could also mean sitting alone in the desert for a day, going on a Vipassana retreat, or participating in a dance at a village festival. Your energetic body knows best what kind of integration the healing needs.


Voila ! Connect map for the 4 kinds of Healing. 
Remember where you seen it first ! 

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