Archetypal Liniages
To awaken the purpose passed down through your lineage
and wield Archetypal powers in service of your team and Gameworld
Maybe one of these lineages will bring immense clarity to you—or maybe it won’t. Perhaps you’ll recognize these different lineages in your team, noticing how each person embodies these roles and how that shapes the dynamic. You might even decide to explore other lineages and uncover new threads. Whatever path you take, you’re invited to treat it as a journey, not a belief system.
Identifying these different lineages is not about limitations, as in "human design stuff."
It might be a journey of discovering qualities and consciousness patterns you didn’t know existed—almost like learning a new distinction, but this time within your Archetypal body.
It’s a doorway to connect more deeply to a calling within yourself, one that carries a certain scent of direction.
You actually have all four aspects of lineages within you, but one might be more prominent, or you might find yourself between two—or something else entirely.
Recognizing the scent of each lineage is not just useful; it’s one of the most useful tools for understanding and navigating group dynamics. Sometimes, unnecessary friction arises simply from not allowing each person to play the role of their lineage. And in your Gameworld, there might even be an expression of one lineage missing entirely.
There are some Gameworlds that exclude or undervalue one lineage's expression for various reasons.

Earth Gurdian
The Earth Guardian role is about guarding the context of the Gameworld.
If the context is that we don’t wear shoes inside the hall, the Earth Guardian will be the one to care and remind you to take off your shoes at the entrance.
It’s not about following the rules out of obedience or because of their box. The Earth Guardian simply sees how this affects the Gameworld and takes care of it.
An Earth Guardian ensures that the context is clear and understood by everyone. They’ll remind and repeat it in meetings as needed.
They also bring down to earth the purpose of the group being together, grounding the group's purpose with a presence that feels solid and reliable.
The Earth Guardian might take on missions like protecting Gaia, being the watchman of the village,
attending meetings on behalf of the community,
or alerting the group when they’ve strayed off the formed path.
Earth Guardians might resist changes to the context, especially if those changes are rapid or inconsistent with the Gameworld.
They may find new offerings from the Gameworld Builder challenging to integrate.
Having an active, conscious Earth Guardian in a group is invaluable. They help maintain the group’s connection to the agreed-upon context, ensuring it stays alive and relevant. This is what makes, for example, a group chat feel alive, connected, and meaningful; the Earth Guardian holds space for the context while others may be focused on other missions..
The Evolutionary
The Evolutionary is there to take you on a deep process.
They will linger deeply in a moment within themselves, close their eyes before answering, connecting monumentally with their feelings. The answer is within. The deeper they go, the more fulfilled they become. Every moment holds endless vastness to dig in for them.
The Evolutionary will be a great guide for an emotional healing process or for taking a group through a journey of transformation via feeling more.In fact, their mere presence in a space creates a Hummph like wave that clear space for emotions and to feel, and the possibility of going deeper naturally arises.
Sometimes, an Evolutionary is not fully aware of the deep force operating within them. They may feel malcontent from the depth of a conversation or relationship, constantly yearning to go deeper and embark on an evolutionary processing journey. At times, this stems from projecting their thirst to apply their powers for their Archetypal mission onto their partners or family, rather than directing that energy outward toward their mission.
The Evolutionary can forget that, as much as there is deep, there is also wide—and that is equally important. For example, the clients who came for the initiation journey needed to be reached and connected to the training through a broader effort made by someone else.
Often, the Connector and the Evolutionary find themselves at odds in the dynamic of wideness versus depth. But they compliment eachother in the same way, balancing eachother blindspots.

The Connector
Also known as the Village Weaver,
they are the ones who connect people, communities, and essences together.
In training, they will take a stand not only to connect the people to each other and the space but also to link the different elements within the space.
"Did you see how the centering process aligns with the feeling exercises, and it's the same as the experiment from last week?"
All spaces are connected. Connection is love. The essence of the world is to connect.
Connectors love knowing what everyone else is doing, not out of gossip, but geniune care for thier friends, and vast network. Social Media is a tool almost created for them.
Connectors tend to go wide and travel far, sometimes having a hard time stopping and finding time to go deep.
Slowing down and seeing the evolution of the seasons, the leaves changing—ah, it's too slow.
There are new people to meet, legends to tell, and lovers to bring together.
The Connectors glue the village together. Without them, the village loses its spirit and becomes dry and dull.
Connectors are so connected that it's almost like they’ve touched each one of the other lineages in some way, isn’t it?
The GameWorld Builder
The GameWorld Builder is designing and building the Gameworld.
You can think about the archetype of the builder from earlier traditions or even look at some of your friends around you.
They like building things. If you're not like them, their dedication to putting elements together, imagining structures, and designing before anything comes to fruition might seem extraordinary.
They can build a cabin, a cabinet, or an organization.
They care about the structure of rules, activities, and the elements within the realm.
For example, when creating a training with them, they will want to know the exact timing of events and have suggestions on what should come after what.
My GameWorld Builder friends have amazing ideas, plans, and even names for things. I cannot understand where they come up with them.
A GameWorld Builder can even take a stand alone for something if they are truly committed to it. Probably some of the great inventors were GameWorld Builders.
A GameWorld Builder in your team will set the structure up so you can continue operating on your other missions quietly. Just ask them to source the genius expression of their lineage.