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The way you think about what you think, its called -



Your Thoughware determines:
What are the results you are getting
 possibilities do you have in front of you

What is your context, and how much people will get attracted to it
What is your next thought
What is your next move
How will you perceive things ?

Flying Sail

 A new thought-ware on how we can work together, express ourselves in a group, and have more vulnerable adults responsible for relating- opens the doors for us to connect deeper.


New Distinctions about the Human Emotional Body, Energetic Body, and Archetypal Body are rising,  together with practical ways to use the 4 feelings and non-hierarchal decision-making technologies.

The things that comprise your Thoughware are Distinctions. Every Distinction is like a knot in the fabric of a sail. Enough knots make a sail strong enough to catch wind somewhere.
In Connect, we use different Sails, We put them up and down, using them as we need. We don't believe a certain sail is "the truth" or right or wrong; a Sail is just a Sail.

This website is full of distinctions.
We dedicated a page for each subject around a certain area of distinction.
You can start exploring them, get inspired, get new Ideas, and upgrade your thoughtware.

Here they are:

Examples of using Connect

4 Examples of Using Connect to Source Love in the world: Read and enjoy the video music of a spontaneous occurrence of using music to connect a group of strangers in Warsaw, Polland


Bubbling a Space

Just as a bubble of air inside the water of a soda drink creates a space of something different than the water around it. Growing and rising until merging with the ultimate in a flight up. So you can Bubble your own culture wherever you go. Include more Connections to make it bigger and gradually become everything.
*-Inspired by the "Cavitating Space," a distinction of Clinton Callahan.


Using music to Connect

People use music to be an artist, to be a merchant, or to simply play without thinking about it. In Connect, you can learn to utilize music and playing as a tool to Trasnform the space around you.
This can be used outside another Gameworld Concept, for example, outside the Kirtan, Sacred music traditional circle. Outside the concert/show/jam session. And besides whatever people already know about music


Pirating a Space

Let's say your in a workshop, meeting, or event that carries a Modern culture or an Irresponsible sent that doesn't work for you. How can you own the space, shift the energy, and Pirate a different Culture sourcing a different quality and values into the space ?


Connecting different Contexts

In your Journies, you may encounter different paths, cultures, and group costumes that are missing out on some kind of Thoughtware that will open a door for their next step. Who's job is it to let them know about it ? Connect them to the piece their missing and enjoy opening the treasure chest together ? 

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