Surf on your feelings towards
What you feel is who you are.

The Core distinction behind the training:
"Feelings are everything in life.
However you experience your life is through feelings.
Even if you achieve all the success you desire and do everything perfectly,
your only connection to these winning experiences will be on how powerfully you feel at that moment."
About Dor Sharabi
I used to be depressed most of my life to some level.
Even in university, where I had a peak of everything I desired for many years running for me on a treadmill—I noticed more than ever—it was not enough.
The depression was there underneath the surface. Anger mixed with sadness, fear, and even joy churned as lava in my stomach constantly.
I didn’t acknowledge I was super-sensitive back then, nor did I hear from anyone the tools to navigate my feelings. But it set me on seven years of self-development, which even in that, I couldn’t find them. I finally found work that works.

Feelings Surfer is for :
Sensitive Individual
If you’re like me and sometimes find feelings and emotions to be a burden or challenging to connect with, this coaching is for you.
Whether you want to empower yourself in a specific project or simply work on your daily relationship with your emotional body, this coaching will awaken the Superpower of Sensitivity within you, transforming emotional ache into pleasure."
3-people "Coaching Band"
I can connect you to a "Coaching band" with 2 more people you dont know yet, but will resonate with. (I will ensure that ) And you will be in the Coaching team together, and find treasures from eachothers expereinces. This bring lightness play and collobration, to the experiences. Coaching band reach far together, they report to enjoy seeing others in their journey. And can practice together during the week.
While the weekly meetings are shared with 3 people, you still get support during the week.
Couples get Coaching to enhance the connection and communication when relating.
If your a couple in this world, you have things to work on.
Having a Coach to hold space for Feelings to be present, with volunerability and autanticity, will lead to extraordinary love happening.
Your organization can thrive by embracing a 'Feeling Culture' as its foundation.
Whether you’re a small company, a team within a larger organization, or a manager looking to bring transformation, this coaching is for you.
Communities can benefit from a coach too.
For communities aiming to grow and create more conscious and sensitive shared spaces, even one coaching session can make a big difference.
The coaching can be tailored for the primary space holders of the community or offered to everyone
Small groups
Integrate these coaching tools into how your group relates to one another.
From the way decisions are made to how feelings and emotions are acknowledged within the group, these tools can transform your dynamics. Harnessing the power of feelings will enable your group to truly soar.

You are the Super power that you
were looking for.
Centering you around your soul purpose will take you to the life adventure you were here to be the hero of.
Feeling Surfer Approach
Feelings are usefull
Feelings are not somthing to manage, regulate, or supress, but hold immense energy and information. If you know how to ride them you can use this energy for your life. You can use this information for clarity, and make clear adult decisions thowereds your next step.
Emotions are for Healing
Emotions are feelings that got stuck in the past. When stuck they held information for you, in the form of Old Decisions, energetic blocks, and agreemennts you made with yourself.
You can get back that information, transform the emotions into a great new decision, and a valuble resource.
You have 5 bodies.
When you balance your physical body, gain fruitful distinctions in your intellectual mind, center your energy, harness your emotions to work in your favor, and align with your Archetypal purpose, you become invincible in responsibly creating something legendary in your life
Client Feedback
"Dor has been a guiding light in my journey towards self-discovery and healing. Their compassionate approach and expertise have truly made a difference in my life."
Sara H.
"I am grateful for Dor's support and guidance during a challenging time in my life. Their professionalism and care have been invaluable."
James T.
"Dor have provided me with a safe space to explore my thoughts and emotions. I highly recommend their services for anyone seeking mental well-being."
Emily L.
Dangerous Questions
What will I get from this Coaching ?
How does it feel to imagine looking into the horizon and knowing that, no matter what challenges the world throws at you, you will remain centered, grounded, and protected?
How will it feel to have joy knowing that, no matter how overwhelming the emotions ahead may be, you will navigate them with ease?
What trust will you have in yourself and the world when the results of simple struggles burst open, propelling you light years forward without logical explanation?
Will that be legendary?
What is different between this Coaching and all the other million coaching out there ?
This coaching comes from a Next-Culture context, not from "Modern Culture," which is rooted in ordinary social conditioning and groupthink.
It is different because we don’t coach you to succeed in Modern Culture—chasing more power, money, sex, or a better job, or creating mental strategies to get them.
Instead, we coach you to cultivate deeper connection—with yourself, your teams (or a new team), and the context you take a stand for. We coach you to fly, not to swim in a swamp someone else once dug. From there, you s
Is the Coach (Dor) some kind of an expert ? If not where does he get the authority to coach from ?
In Modern Culture, the "man in charge" is the authority figure. He gives the "therapy," and the patient leaves with the solution, the diploma, or the medicine.
In Next Culture Coaching, the Coach and the client navigate together. The client holds the same level of responsibility, and the results they achieve don’t come from the Coach’s knowledge but from the space, experiments, and training they create together.
The Coach benefits no less than the client, making it a winning happening for both
Get clarity from the first session, as you follow your calling.
Here are some possibilities for starting with the coaching, each with a different investment fee.
The investment is for you, the client, so you can choose how much to invest within that scale and consider what level feels aligned for you.
- 20 Euro
- €3,000- 6,000
- €1,000- 2,000
Ready to get on board ?
Here is what you start with :
This is your new crew
What ? you thought its possible to make it alone ?not in this game.
If you want to do big things in your life. 1 annoying coach is not enough., Yulll need to hear it from more people, get inspired and collaborate.
Part of this Coaching is including you in different teams and groups, online and offline, at your choose.

Having this Coaching Online is very convenient.
You can travel, nomad, or even take the meetings for your office buildings. From thousands of spaces we hold online, we discover that at any level - Emotional, Physical, energetic, intellectual, and even Archetypal, nothing gets missed in an online space. (Except how people smell) And the client always filled their cup even more than they came for.
Having this Coaching Offline, meeting your Coach face to face, might require you to change a Coach (not only working with Dor) to the coach that is closest to your area. Unless your in
📍 Dor's location at the moment
We have -the- best Coaches around, guaranteed.
Find them on the trainer website clicking on their picture.